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Old 03-25-2003, 04:22 PM   #43
Go Reds
Join Date: May 2001
Location: Bloodbuzz Ohio
Alright here's one. At my house a few months ago, it was 4 of us in my guest room. Yeah, we call beds everytime people sleep at my house, and I was reduced to sleeping on the guestroom floor. But that is besides the point.

Imagine the bed in a square room shifted against one of the walls so that you can only exit on one side. I slept near the feet of the bed while my other friend Ryan slept parallel with the bed on the floor.

Anyways, we had some Bacardi that night, and Ryan, the kid on the floor with me, was pretty trashed. In the bed, on the exit side, was Chad. The other kid is Jeremy, wallside of the bed, just so you get the whole idea.

Well Ryan on the floor, wakes up in the middle of the night. He's got to piss. But all of us are passed out/asleep. So Ryan gets up, turns on the light and yet in his drunken state, DOES NOT leave the room. He just turns, looks at my guest bed, whips it out, and proceeds to piss on Chad, head to toe. This is when Chad wakes up, in a pissed off state, realizing he is soaked with someone else's urine. Well the drunken pisser, Ryan, thinks he hasn't been caught yet, so he proceeds to run across the room, turns off the light switch, and then DIVES onto my floor, and pretends to be sleeping. Obviously, Chad was not fooled at all, as he watched the kid do all of this.

It was actually very funny, as I woke up, I found my friend in all of my clothes, with his laying in my bath. Probably the funniest thing I've ever heard (I never woke up through the ordeal).
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