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Old 03-25-2003, 02:10 PM   #2
The Afoci
Pro Rookie
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Moorhead
The Fighting Crawfish Players
The Back Lines

#1---Manuel "The" Bossio

Manuel developed the nickname "the" because he stutters. He also doesn't speak English very well, so pretty much he only says "The". Manuel was the First Goalie purchased by
The Afoci and he is the starter. He also is only 18.

#2---Mikey Denney

Mikey is the back-up goalie. Mikey is a 27 year old who is rumored to be "Number Two" to The Afoci and many people call him Mikey "Crawfish". Many suspect that he was the head scientist on the The Crawfish with Laser Blasters project.

#3--- Jose Javier Gorostarzu

Jose is severely deformed. He was believed dead after the great Crawfish purge of a few weeks ago. The 22 year old is the starting wing back and is now believed to be highly loyal to the Crawfish. Some beleive that a Crawfish crawled in his ear and replaced his brain as he only speaks in weird Crawfish like chants.

#4---Károly Gyimesi

Károly is a 20 year old central defender. He was once rumored to be the starter, but he got into an argument with The Afoci over whether The Crawfish with Laser Blasters was really required. The Afoci was going to kill him, but funding for the project is low, so he was placed on the transfer list at 90k. Not bad for a SOLID defender.

#5---"I am a big scary, fire breathing" Dragan Simic

An 18 year old starting Wing Back, Dragan is a threat on offense and defense. He is a very well rounded player completely dedicated to the domination of the world by Crawfish.

#6---Rafael Maria Meldi

A 29 year old reserve wing back. Nothing really interesting with him. Just a guy who is filling a hole on the b-squad.

#7---"You better guard your daughters or they will be" Les "their" Cherry "s"

A 17 year old womanizer. He was plays wingback and likes to do the beast with two backs. He reportedly is The Afoci secret weapon of Mass Destruction because when he pees, he screams in agony. He is usually sent in a week early on away games to greet the opposing teams wives.

#8---Ellis Malcolm "in the middle"

Another 17 year old wing back. He is a middle child and talks to himself claiming no one will speak to him. He is reportedly was scheduled for transfer until he was able to prove his lineage to the great Crawfish rulers of the past. The Afoci is looking into it.

Last edited by The Afoci : 03-26-2003 at 10:19 AM.
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