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Old 06-15-2005, 12:59 PM   #476
Pro Starter
Join Date: Feb 2004
Originally Posted by scooter
Hey, I'm playing as the Silvertips too. They are my local team and I played with them in last year's EHM. I ended up inviting like 22 guys to training camp and expanded it to 4 teams. Found a couple keepers too. Good luck and I'd love to read a dynasty (although it may get confusing fast).

Dude, I'm getting my ass beaten down for the most part. I too managed to find a few UFAs that are decent (at least I think), this after panicking because I thought that my overage players were going to the NHL for good. Little did I know they would sign, BUT would be sent back on loan.

It's almost December and I've got a winning percentage of under .300 (3-13-6). Problem is that I'm giving up *way* too many shots and not getting enough away offensively. Now I only GM and have Coach Constatine do as much as he can and I'd prefer to keep things that way. It's weird because he's more of a defensive-minded coach. It's almost like we're just getting overmatched by most of these teams give or a take a few. The shots are much more even when playing Portland for example (and thank god they're still sticking around the bottom of the American Division too).

Did you have a similar experience? If so, what would you attribute it too? I thought my team was better than this (or at least the coaching was better).
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