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Old 03-25-2003, 09:44 AM   #35
Pro Starter
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Winnipeg, MB
Here's a "laugh at my misfortune story". I played on an intramural floor hockey team in high school. These games were pretty insane, the school ended up having to ban intramural floor hockey in my final year of high school because it got too rough (someone had their knee destroyed by a check into the bleachers (supposed to be no hitting), and lots of fights were occuring during and after games). But that's besides the point.

Anyways, I wasn't much of an athlete growing up, but at least in hockey I was reasonably ok. Until you put me in goal, that is. You see, I'm just a wee bit puck shy. Anyways, the way the teams worked is that the kids on the high school hockey team were all captains of intramural teams, which was fair because it split them up. Unfortunately it also meant that there was always at least one dude on the opposing team that had a frickin' howitzer of a shot. Oh, and did I mention that slapshots were allowed and that you could bring your own stick?

Well, by this point you can probably see what happened. My captain decided to put me in net one game (no one wanted to be goalie so we took turns). I let in a slapshot early, and a light went off in the other teams head: he's afraid of the puck. This might have to do with my natural instinct to turn sideways and make myself as small as possible.

Well, the shots began to rain down upon me like crazy. I don't remember how many goals our team scored (I think around 7, but their team scored 29 against me. In 30 minutes. Yep, you read that right, I gave up almost a goal a minute.

Needless to say I was never asked to play goalie again
"Breakfast? Breakfast schmekfast, look at the score for God's sake. It's only the second period and I'm winning 12-2. Breakfasts come and go, Rene, but Hartford, the Whale, they only beat Vancouver maybe once or twice in a lifetime."
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