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Old 06-12-2005, 05:08 AM   #396
SI Games
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Helsinki, Finland
Wink Thansk for the feedback guys

Originally Posted by jbmagic

i wish if you let head coach, coach the game. and let head coach handle practice in the options setting that it should do the whole practice and not just part of it.

there a lot of people who assume that if you let head coach handle practice, that it handles everything in the practice screen. from general, powerplay, powerkill % to assigning coaches to three categories roles based on there strength instead leaving it as default.

any chance it can be done on next patch?


great game so far. lots of fun

I'll try to take a look at the practice time percentages under head coach control for the next patch. I've already done a little tweaking with the connection between this practice setup and the results of it in games but I'll still need to check if I can make the head coach analyse your game results and change the general/powerplay/penaltykill accordingly if needed (in case you have him take charge of the practice)
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