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Old 03-25-2003, 06:27 AM   #27
Ben E Lou
Morgado's Favorite Forum Fascist
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Greensboro, NC
Vince...Yes, I hung with the whole time....Wow.

OK, time for Ol' SkyDog to bear his soul...

I attended Government Schools up through 8th grade. However, beginning my freshman year in high school, I went to a Private School. I had a MAJOR growth spurt in 7th grade and was INCREDIBLY awkward as a gangly 6 foot tall, 120-pound 13-year-old. (Strangely enough, that was my final upward growth spurt. I'm still only 6 feet tall. Odd.) At any rate, by the end of my 8th grade year, I was finally starting to adjust to my new body and began to re-discover my athletic talent. So, here I am: 14 years old, had gotten my braces off in the summer beofre my freshman year, and going to a new school where no one knew of my Junior High awkwardness. I'm thinking "I am going to be a major stud in high school!"

Fast forward to the 2nd day of school. We had single-sex, all-Freshman, P.E. classes, so of course guys' PE, taught by a good Southern Head Football Coach, was ALWAYS a major testosterone-fest, no matter what we were doing, and he had let us know on Day 1 (when of course we didn't dress out) that he was going to make MEN out of us in his PE class. So, it is Day 2, first day dressed out, and freshman soon-to-be-made-men are heading outside toward the baseball field.

Well, in the summer before my freshman year, my vertical leap had gotten to the point that I was able to jump over the fence in my back yard without touching it, and I thought this to be a pretty impressive talent.

So, we're heading out to the baseball field, 1st day of PE. I'm thinking this is the chance to show all the guys in my class that this new kid is NOT someone to be trifled with athletically. Everyone is about to walk through the gate, but Young SkyDog is gonna just JUMP over that sucker.

Well, you see, there was an important bit of information that I REALLY wish I had at the time. Back yard fences are typically 4 feet high. The fence at our baseball field was 5 feet high.

You got it, sports fans, I took a few steps out ahead of everyone (because of COURSE I wanted to do it while everyone was watching...), and jumped. My back foot hit the bar at the top of the fence, and I tumbled to the ground, planting in the grass face-first, landing right on my ego in front of every single guy in my class.

So, rather than being the studly, no-braces, incredible-leaping stud that I wanted to be farmed as from the start, I had a less-than-stellar debut in front of my peers.

There you have it.
The media don't understand the kinds of problems and pressures 54 million come wit'!
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