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Old 05-29-2005, 12:19 PM   #33
College Starter
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Kalamazoo, MI
Martin, at least for myself, has had the unfortunate situation of following after Robert Jordan's fall from grace. After that series, which I unfortunately became addicted to back in the Bush I administration, has dragged out, and frankly, lost much of the quality it originally had, I'm now waiting for that one to just finish, and I swore off spending money on any other fantasy series that isn't finished. (I have ASOIAF because I've asked for the books as gifts over the years) I've read the first two, liked them, but haven't gone more then 50 pages into book 3 yet simply because I'm sick and damn tired of authors taking 2-3 years to put something out.

And now Martin wrote so much he has to split the same amount of time into two books? Suckers. He's following the same path RJ did. (See books 5-10 for examples)

This is going to turn into another 12 book 20 year project. Maybe it's just the curse of making such a deep world, that if your name isn't Tolkien, you get sucked into more and more details as things slow to a crawl, both in publication and in plot movement.
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