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Old 03-23-2005, 07:49 PM   #13
Pro Rookie
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Los Angeles
Outside LB's
Anthony Simmons - The heart and soul of the D. It's hard to tell how the defense performed last year, because we only had our premiere playmaker for 5 quarters of the entire season. Again, the blessing in disguise is that he should resign for a whole lot less than the 6-mil he's scheduled to make. Let's just hope he stays on the field this season.

Levar Fisher - Free agent signee last year who pushed Tiny for his job. Played well, but I'm not convinced. Tough call between him and Tiny, and may come down to who is cheaper. But both will probably make the team.

Pisa Tinoisamoa - Tiny made the most of his 6 starts last year, and made a strong case to return to the starting lineup. It's very tough to evaluate the players, again, since we didn't have Simmons.

Lionel Mitchell - One of our proudest draft choices. Can do everything but stop the run, I guess. Filled in for Simmons for most of the year, and proved he's nothing more than a solid backup at best. But did have an interception, and is cheap.
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