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Old 03-15-2003, 01:14 AM   #269
Coffee Warlord
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Colorado Springs


Radioman Boris, get through to Zone 1 command, tell them I would appreciate them to drive the Japanese straight into us. Delaying them from pressing us would be nice, but keep them coming. We'll be waiting.

Left flank, full retreat right back towards the center. I will be setting up a defensive position with my platoon, and cutting the Japanese up while you get the hell out of dodge. Retreat to our left side and set up defensive position, as I do not want them cutting off our rear.

Mortar teams, you're fired. I'm shipping you to the Coast Guard.

ANYONE with 80mm mortars, GIVE ME THEM.

Right flank, I'm taking my machine gun unit back. Tell those boys to double time it to set up defensive position with me for protection vs the coming onslaught. I'd also appreciate your teams moving a little bit towards me, to provide at least a little corridor spotting.

Boris, once you're done talking with Zone 1, tell the howitzers to keep firing.

Open to alternate suggestions if you have them, Lieutenants.

edit: Oh, and keep the Ammo Track around. I imagine some of us are getting low on ammo. Get ready for a reload if necessary.

Last edited by Coffee Warlord : 03-15-2003 at 01:16 AM.
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