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Old 03-02-2005, 04:33 PM   #27
Ben E Lou
Morgado's Favorite Forum Fascist
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Greensboro, NC
A screenie of the overhauled renegotiation process:

Here's the help for this screen:

This dialog box lets you negotiate:

  • a contract with a Free Agent OR
  • a contract extension with one of your current players
Contract Negotiation takes the form of setting the contract parameters and clicking 'Submit Offer'. (The player's current demands are shown on the right side of the screen).

If the player turns down your offer, the player will usually adjust their demands. So, always check the player's side of the negotiation to see what terms he wants in the deal.

Younger players will generally want a higher salary for longer contracts, while older players will be willing to accept a lower salary in exchange for a longer commitment.

Button Function
Scouting Open a Scouting Report for the player.
Submit Offer Submit your contract offer (as defined by the terms on the left side of the dialog box).
Accept Player Demands Accept the player's currently displayed contract (the terms displayed in the right side of the dialog box).
Leave Negotiating Table Decline the currently displayed contract and close the dialog box. This does not release a player -- it simply ceases negotiations until later.
Release Player Decline the contract and release the player from your team.
Player Personalities and Negotiations

Negotiating a contract with a player can be a tricky proposition. You don't want to pay too much, but if you offer too little you can alienate the player you are talking with.

A player's mood is indicated by the "happy face" next to the word "Rumors" in the Contract Negotiation screen (this icon can also be seen in the upper right section of the Scouting Report). Happy players will generally sign contract extensions for their current team for someone less than their market price.

Accepting a player's demands is generally the easiest way to improve the player's mood, but you might end up paying more than you needed to. Submitting an offer that the player rejects may worsen his mood (and increase his asking price). Players with pesonality descriptions such as "egotistical", "boastful", or "self-centered" will be the most offended by low contract offers.
Ok. That last sentence MAY be Kleenex material, if it works right. More on personality types later...

At any rate, just to run a little "mini-test," he accepted the contract he wanted with a $1.95M team option for one season. He would not accept $1.75M team option. Not bad there, I'd say. It'll take some time to see how well the player personalties and team and player options interact with regard to renegotations. Right now, as I'm just in the "overview" phase of this preview, I'm not going to dig that deeply. I'll try to look at that tomorrow morning, which is when I'll probably be able to start actually playing this game.
The media don't understand the kinds of problems and pressures 54 million come wit'!
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