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Old 03-13-2003, 11:34 AM   #46
College Starter
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Somerville, MA
Originally posted by Mustang
Maybe.. just MAYBE that this is in the news again because she was found. ALIVE.

Maybe.. just MAYBE this gives a little hope to those parents out there that are missing children that their children will come back to them alive one day instead of in a body bag.

Maybe you need cases like this to raise the level of awareness of people everywhere.

But, no.. on this board we get 'Why should we care about this one little girl.' There is a whole slew of people in Utah that care about this one little girl.

If you don't understand that.. go fuck yourself.

but the thing is, if this case does give parents of missing children hope, it's just giving them false hope. This is one case out of thousands. It doesn't change the fact that after a week the kid is likely to be dead. I too do not understand the level of national attention that this case has been getting. Local Utah news sure that's fine. What about other kids who were found alive? What about people who survived muggings, gunshot wounds, rapes, etc etc etc? What about women who survived abusive relationships or kids that managed to get out of abusive homes? What about men and women who defied the odds and beat cancer or AIDS? Are those people less deserving of national coverage?

That being said, I am truly happy and amazed that she was found alive. That's great
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