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Old 03-12-2003, 10:45 PM   #251
Pro Rookie
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Chicago
Luzon, The Phillipines

December 11th, 1941

18:45 Hours

Orders are handed down, and to the relief of many a battle-weary Marine, the withdrawal begins all across the line…

Zone 1

Captain RainRaven’s Infantry Company B, with support from Lieutenant bertogarce’s 1st Platoon, Armor B, begins its withdrawal. Lieutenant Blade shifts his 2nd Platoon, Infantry B to the east a bit. That, combined with suppressing fire from the company’s 60mm and 81mm mortars, leads to Lieutenant The Afoci’s 1st Platoon, Infantry B being able to withdraw with little difficulty.

Zone 2

The Japanese apparently have little desire to let The Meat Grinder withdraw peacefully. Heavy bombardment pounds Lieutenant Breeze’s 1st Platoon, Infantry D to the west of the corridor. This is followed up by a well-timed infantry attack by the enemy, turning Captain Coffee Warlord’s left flank into a confused mess. The Marines there are too busy dodging mortar shells and fighting for their lives, and are unable to withdraw. Lieutenant sterlingice’s 3rd Platoon, Armor B and Lieutenant JeffNights’ 3rd Platoon, Infantry D are able to withdraw in good order, however.

Lieutenant Aesyrqwe’s 2nd Platoon, Infantry D fares a bit better on the eastern flank of zone 2. With more fire support from Lieutenant Superman=#54’s 2nd Platoon, Armor B, the Marines are able to at least temporarily break contact with the enemy and fall back.

The company’s last 60mm mortar rounds are trained on the woods in front of the western flank, but seem to do little to slow down the enemy.

Zone 3

The withdrawal of Lieutenant tucker342’s 1st Platoon, Infantry C is facilitated by the firepower of Lieutenant Tasan’s 3rd Platoon, Armor A. The firepower of the Stuarts is sufficient to hold the enemy at arm’s length while the grunts manage to begin their fall-back. On the east end of the zone, Lieutenant Katon’s 3rd Platoon, Infantry C also has little trouble with their withdrawal, and see no signs of the enemy.

In the middle of the zone, Japanese infantry once again try to gain a foothold in the clearing, but are cut down by the retreating men of Lieutenant Qwikshot’s 2nd Platoon, Infantry C. With the Japanese artillery apparently concentrating their efforts elsewhere, Lieutenant jfbbis’ 2nd Platoon, Armor A and Captain Blade6119’s Infantry Company C are able to begin their withdrawal with little trouble.

Zone 4

At the edge of the rice paddy, Japanese mortar fire pins one of Lieutenant samifan24’s infantry squads from 1st Platoon, Infantry A and one of the Stuarts from Lieutenant Icjjdnh’s 1st Platoon, Armor A in place. Elsewhere, though, the men of 1st Platoon and Captain WSUCougar’s Armor A Command are able to begin their withdrawal in good order.

Further east, the last of Captain ardent enthusiast’s 81mm mortar shells land in the graveyard, allowing the Marines of Lieutenant damnMikeBrown’s 2nd Platoon, Infantry A and the rest of 1st Platoon, Armor A to break contact without incident. Japanese mortar fire does pin down one of the squads from Lieutenant Marino’s 3rd Platoon, Infantry A at the eastern edge of the graveyard, but the rest of the platoon is able to effect their escape as well.

18:48 Hours

Zone 1

The withdrawal of Captain RainRaven’s Infantry Company B continues without incident. With no evidence of the enemy in sight, the company once again suspends their mortar attacks in order to conserve ammunition.

Zone 2

To the west of Captain Coffee Warlord’s position, Lieutenant Breeze’s 1st Platoon, Infantry D continues to get hammered by Japanese artillery and infantry attacks. Heavy losses are suffered by the beleaguered Marines of 1st Platoon, but they are finally able to break contact with the enemy. For how long, though, is the question of the day.

Lieutent JeffNights 3rd Platoon, Infantry D and Lieutenant sterlingice’s 3rd Platoon, Armor B are able to continue their withdrawal.

To the east, the Japanese are hot on the heels of Lieutenant Aesyrqwe’s 2nd Platoon, Infantry D and Lieutenant Superman=#54’s 2nd Platoon, Armor B. Fierce fighting occurs along the line, and particularly around Lieutenant Superman=#54’s personal tank, but the Marines’ withdrawal remains unhindered.

The company’s 60mm mortar team reports the timely arrival of an ammunition truck. Lieutenant Ellis reports that, with the presence of the truck, they will be able to resume firing, but at a reduced rate. Basically, they’re pulling rounds off the truck and dropping them straight into the tube.

Zone 3

The withdrawal of Captain Blade6119’s Infantry Company C, along with the Stuarts of Lieutenant Tasan’s 3rd Platoon, Armor A and Lieutenant jfbbis’ 2nd Platoon, Armor A continues without hindrance, as the Japanese are apparently concentrating their efforts elsewhere.

Zone 4

While the rest of the troops from Lieutenant samifan24’s 1st Platoon, Infantry A and Captain WSUCougar’s Armor A Command continue their withdrawal, Sergeant Fernandez’ squad and Sergeant Dobbs’ Stuart remain pinned at the edge of the rice paddy. Forced into a rear-guard role, the Marines fight bravely, gunning down many of the numerous enemy in the hopes of being able to break free and rejoin their comrades.

Lieutenant damnMikeBrown’s 2nd Platoon, Infantry A and the rest of Lieutenant Icjjdnh’s 1st Platoon, Armor A are able to continue their withdrawal in good order. One of the squads from Lieutenant Marino’s 3rd Platoon, Infantry A remains pinned at the edge of the graveyard, but the rest of the Platoon is able to continue their withdrawal.

Captain ardent enthusiast’s 81mm mortar teams report that their ammunition is exhausted. Lieutenant Silva reports that his 60mm is down around 10% ammunition, but that an ammunition truck is on its way.


Remember: We aren’t retreating…we’re advancing in a different direction.
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Last edited by DataKing : 03-14-2003 at 06:51 PM.
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