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Old 03-12-2003, 07:42 PM   #22
Easy Mac
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Originally posted by Maple Leafs
So far, they seem to be hinting that he could have been connected. At the time, police had said they thought he was involved but not acting alone.

Or else they're trying to justify the fact that for months they followed the guy around and called him a kidnapper, a rapist, a child molester, a crook, a theif, everything that a person could ever be called. Of course they can say that now, the mans dead, he can't clear his name, which the media completely ruined.

If I was his family, I'd sue the cable companies for everything they have. The last months of his life were completely ruined because tehy destroyed whatever shred of dignity he had left by calling him a child molester (yes, I know he was in jail for something else, but still, nothing is worse than being known as a child molester). I'd like to see them have to pay the family exorbitant amounts of money, maybe that way the media can be held responsible for the wreckless ways they do their work, to get rid of the sensationalist crap that is constantly being heaped on us as cutting edge news.
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