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Old 03-06-2003, 03:02 PM   #59
Pro Rookie
Join Date: Oct 2000
Attached is the source code for where I left off on this project. For anyone that doesn't know Perl that is tight, efficent, beautiful code. For those that do know Perl. They will quickly realize that last statement was bullshit.

Most of the code could be optimized considerably, but I was more focused on functionality for the first go round. Inputing the files and who you want to serach for is very cumbersome at the moment. I didn't bother writing a decent way to do that because I was/am going to handle it through a web interface in the future. It also still only handles QB's at the moment.

Ok so it's sloppy and the code isn't commented so you may have trouble following everythign I am doing, but here it is. If anyone has any questions/suggestions feel free to let me know. And don't lose faith I do plan on completeing this.

I would open it up in WordPad. NotePad and Microsoft Word screw with the formatting and it makes the code pretty difficult to read.
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