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Old 01-04-2005, 09:50 AM   #206
Hattrick Moderator
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Pintendre, Qc, Canada
July 31, 2006
Friendly #6, away at Crawley.

We go back to the 4-3-3, if only because I want to give my two main defensive middies (Evans and Johnson) a bit more playing time.
We lose 0-2. We even lose pretty badly in possession, but we still had shots, mostly because it was a conference level team...

Bring on the season now!!!

August 1st, 2006
The Luton Team Board is still very pleased with my performance as manager.

We get the odds for the 2006-07 season of the Championship. Leeds and Leicester are joint favorites to gain promotion, with offs of 7-4. Then come Wolves at 2-1, Derby also at 2-1, Crystal Palace at 3-1, and Sunderland at 6-1. I see our odds at 80-1, and that was expected. Pundits seem to think that these odds point more to the fact that my side should be more concerning with avoiding relegation than thinking about promotion. Well, duh...

Question from the media
I get approached by a local newspaper with the following question: "The bookies are tipping you for relegation this season. Do you think you will have to bolster your squad in order to stay up?"

My answer is the followin: "Definitely Not. I believe we've got the players with the ability to keep us up"

Once put into the paper, this translates into: "You have suggested that your team should not even be thinking about relegation" Wow, awfully confident, huh?!?

Player Reactions
Following my answer to the question we get two different reactions among players.

The first one, I kind of like. Matthew Blinkhorn, Adam Chambers, and Sol Davis all say they're pleased I'm not looking for reenforcements to bolster our fight against relegation and they hope they to repay the faith I have shown in the current squad. Nice.

The second one shows who may be the lazy ones on the squad, and bothers me a little bit, not much, but a little. Joe Murphy, Marc Bridge-Wilkinson, and Keith Keane all say they're pleased they won't have to compete too hard for a first team place. hrmmm...

League Cup News
The draw for the 1st round of the League Cup happens. We get a toughie to start, as we'll play fellow Championship team Tranmere. At least, it will be at home...

U18/Contract News
Sheffield United contacted 16yo Kevin Joyce and offered him a contract. Bastages!!! I decide to at least offer him what he wants, which is currently $280 per week, up from his previous 200. I'm afraid I will lose him before long...

A Black Belt is a White Belt who refused to give up...
follow my story: The real life story of a running frog...
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