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Old 03-05-2003, 10:49 PM   #162
Pro Rookie
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Chicago
Luzon, The Phillipines

December 11th, 1941

18:33 Hours

New wrinkles by the Japanese, and a bit of misfortune, threaten to turn the tide of the battle against our brave Marines.

(Note: On these maps, each Japanese flag symbol (the red dot on a white field) represents at least one enemy unit that can be seen.)

Zone 1
American 60mm and 81mm mortar shells slam home to the front and the left of Lieutenant The Afoci’s embattled 1st Platoon. With additional fire support from Lieutenant bertogarce’s 1st Armored, the Marine platoon reforms a contiguous line. Fierce fighting continues to 1st Platoon’s front, but the intensity of the attacks seems to be lessening, no doubt due to the mortar shells crashing to earth 100 meters or so beyond their lines.

Zone 2
At the east end of zone two, Lieutenant Superman=#54’s 2nd Armored moves up to the fire line with Lieutenant Aesyrqwe’s 2nd Platoon, and not a moment too soon! Large numbers of Japanese infantry come storming out of the woods, only to be met by a hail of lead and fiery death from the combined fire of the infantry and the Stuart tanks. The Japanese keep the pressure up, but many of them are killed or forced back deeper into the tree-line.

To the west of the corridor, squads from Lieutenant JeffNights’ 3rd Platoon begin to arrive, and take up positions to the left of Lieutenant Breeze’s 1st Platoon. More American mortar shells slam home to the front of 1st Platoon, taking some of the bite out of the Japanese’ continuous attacks in this area. However, Radioman Boris (part of our lend-lease arrangement with the Russians, no doubt ) is still unable to contact our howitzer batteries to the rear.

Zone 3
To the west of the clearing, Lieutenant tucker342’s 1st Platoon remains under heavy fire, but a timely thrust forward by Lieutenant Tasan’s 3rd Armored helps to fend off the Japanese, at least for the time being.

To the east, the brave Marines of Lieutenant Katon’s 3rd Platoon fight on, inflicting and receiving heavy casualties from the relentless enemy infantry. While most of the platoon holds their ground, Sergeant Glussich’s platoon is caught in a murderous and continuous hail of bullets from the Japanese. Three Marines withdraw to regroup with Lieutenant Katon, but there whereabouts of the rest of the squad is unknown.

But the boys in the center appear to be worse off than either group on the flanks, as all hell breaks loose in and around The Clearing. 81mm mortar shells, some of them “on loan” from Company A, begin dropping at the northern end of the clearing a little further to the west, breaking up the Japanese infantry formations there. At the same time, two Stuarts from Lieutenant jfbbis’ 2nd Armored move up to the southern edge of the clearing, helping to clear out the enemy infantry.

A few 60mm shells land on the Japanese positions as well, then suddenly a particularly loud BOOM is heard from the rear. A faulty mortar round has exploded in the tube. Fortunately, none of the crew of the mortar team were injured, but the tube itself is useless.

As all of this is going on, heavy (and I mean HEAVY) amounts of Japanese mortar fire pours into the area, particularly on the east and southern edges of the clearing. Lieutenant Qwikshot and Captain Blade6119 themselves dive for cover and dare not lift their heads, as the area is absolutely peppered with small and medium-caliber mortar shells, as well as rounds from 75mm long-range guns (a new development in the battle). The bombardment is fierce and terrible, and a few unfortunate Marines are caught without suitable cover.

Zone 4
Just when you thought it was safe to loan out your mortar team…

Captain WSUCougar’s Command Group from Armor A join their compatriots at the edge of the tree-line, joining in the fun of mowing down Japanese infantry attempting to cross the rice paddy. But things are not as they have appeared. More Japanese infantry move into firing range from the tree-line to the west of the rice paddy, and begin to give the Marines of Lieutenant samifan24’s 1st Platoon some trouble.

At the same time, somewhere in the neighborhood of a full company of Japanese infantry emerge from the rain in the graveyard to the east, immediately putting heavy pressure on the Marines of Lieutenant damnMikeBrown’s 2nd Platoon and Lieutenant Icjjdnh’s 1st Armored. No ground is given, and casualties appear to be light on the Marines side, but through the cost of many lives the Japanese appear to be establishing a foothold on our right flank.


Zone 1
Things seem to be calming down, at least for the time being, in zone one. I am sure this is at partially due to the mortar fire being called down on the Japanese in the area.

Zone 2
3rd Platoon is beginning to reinforce 1st Platoon, particularly to their left. That, and the mortar fire to the front of 1st Platoon seems to be taking some of the pressure off. But pressure is mounting to the right. 2nd Platoon and 2nd Armored are fairing well so far against the enemy on the right, but there seem to be more of the Japanese waiting to pounce.

Lieutenant sterlingice, if you want to get into the action, the most logical place would be to move up to 1st Platoon’s firing line. However, doing so is not without hazard, as you will be susceptible to Japanese assault tactics. Just so you know.

Zone 3
There is a world of hurt coming down on the east side of the clearing, and a number of units in that area are on the verge of panic. At the same time, 3rd Platoon is being hard-pressed to the east. The 60mm mortar team is nothing more than a glorified rifle squad now, and I suspect Captain ardent enthusiast will be “asking” for his 81mm mortars back.

Ahhh…the joys of command.

Zone 4
What looked to be the quietest sector in our area has suddenly become rather noisy. You’ve got Japanese moving in through the trees to your far left, as well as about a company trying to work their way through the graveyard. The Marines of Company A and Stuarts from Armored Company A are holding them back for now, but the numbers of the Japanese are impressive.

You are well within your rights to demand your 81mm mortar teams back from zone three.


Semper Fi!
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Last edited by DataKing : 03-05-2003 at 10:50 PM.
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