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Old 12-17-2004, 04:23 PM   #6
Team Chaplain
Join Date: Jun 2001
Location: Just outside Des Moines, IA
Behind the scenes

Coach Everett Malone is an absolute stud, with a VG rating at young talent, and VG to E ratings at all skills, though not all positions. I picked him up in 2018, and he has helped our young studs develop fast, an E rating at QB being particularly helpful. In 2019, the phantom year before the dynasty begins, he led the squad to a 9-7 record, good for third in the UMVC (North Winn won the SuperBowl). His only weakness? A Poor rating in the secondary.

With the talent we have on this squad, we could challenge for the title this year, but I doubt our anemic defense will get us over the hump. That said, this challenge looks very tough right now, as we graduate way too many key components after this year. Next year's prospects look a little bleak, and the year after that? Sheesh, we'd better draft well.

I have evaluated, re-evaluated, and will evaluate again the "advantage" rule I gave myself, allowing me to trade up to 3 5th year players for additional picks. The reality is, without any cohesion ratings whatsoever, and with always playing underdeveloped players, we will need a ton of talent to surpass the veteran squads ahead of us. I have isolated the seniors I think I can get the most value for (QB Ingram, S Clements, and G Stenerud—no matter how good FB Eppbright is, you just don't get much in a trade for a FB), and signed them through their fifth year. They will be the trade bait that gives us a shot in the future.

With miserable cohesion ratings, I have limited us to 3 offensive formations, hoping the extra skill we develop in those formations will help. Of course, the flip is that we may be predictable. Anyone have any insight as to whether this is good idea/bad idea?

Offensively, I will up the running percentages behind our good lineman and up the use of TEs and running our FB. We have little talent at WR, so I'll run a lot of 2 and 3 WR sets, but I want my backs and TE to stay in the game. I have a capable QB who can hit the intermediate, so I will up his intermediate throwing, up his throwing on first down and short-yardage, but give our backs the ball heavily on second down.

With our solid D-line and pathetic LB corps, I have made us exclusively 4-3 and will make use of the nickel, while limiting blitzing. I hope our front 4 can provide the push, because no one else can. Thankfully, with the exception of Garnavillo's RB Lima, we face more defensive stars in our conference than we do offensive stars.

I won't tell you anything about the preseason games, with the exception of notable injuries. If I learn anything, I'll post it in the behind-the-scenes section.

One question for you: I have a DE that has started 3 years and consistently put up good numbers. I've received several trade offers for him. Yet, my scout says he's a dud and there are better men on the roster. Do I trust the circumstantial evidence and believe my scout to be off his rocker on this one, or do I go with the scout? BTW, my scout is Excellent at Young Talent, but only Good at D-Line, one of only 2 categories he isn't rated VG or better. Your thoughts, please?
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