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Old 03-04-2003, 01:02 PM   #101
Pro Starter
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: ...down the gravity well
Originally posted by Katon
I can see three different units that can almost see into the gap. Why not just move one of them over?

If we are referring to the clearing, then yes, I have set up machine gun posts to ambush the enemy in the clearing, why have my soldiers in the clearing with no coverage against mortar or gunfire?

It's almost a funnel where the enemy has to rush through the clearing (like a gauntlet) to pierce the middle.

If your boys want to volunteer to sit in the middle of it waiting for the enemy be my guest.


If we are in agreement that we should be drawing them into the gap, then I’m willing to carry out this difficult mission. The 1st Armored Platoon will launch an offensive against the Japanese, then retreat towards the open gap that’s created by the falling back of troops. If all goes according to plan, the enemy will follow us into the open gap, where they will be met with a mortar strike and ambush.

Once we get them following us, don’t leave me hanging guys!

If you mean the clearing then yes, I 'll dig in an wait for you to draw them in...please have our ammo restocked and Captain you may want to make sure machine gunners are deployed in positions to be most can have that mortar ready to rain fire as well...

I'm not going anywhere for an advance, but I'll watch your back if you draw them in. (As long as my captain is okay by it, I mean heck, he wants me cleaing toilets after the action is done )
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