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Old 03-03-2003, 04:22 PM   #67
Pro Rookie
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Chicago
Luzon, The Phillipines

December 11th, 1941

18:27 Hours

“Weapons free. I repeat, all teams weapons free. Send ‘em straight to hell, boys!”

The battle is joined in full, as attacks by the enemy are reported up and down the line. The fighting is close, personal, and at these ranges, very lethal.

Zone 1

Marines try to force their bodies deeper into the available cover as mortar shells begin to pepper the area, aimed primarily at Lieutenant The Afoci’s 1st Platoon on the right side of the zone. The bombardment is followed immediate by an attack by Japanese infantry. Our Marines fight hard, though, and are able to force the Japanese back, except for the far left side. Sergeant Udell’s squad begins to suffer casualties and are forced to withdraw a short ways, deeper into the trees.

Zone 2
One of The Meat Grinder’s machinegun teams is strategically placed on the eastern edge of “The Corridor,” and opens fire on the pinned Japanese infantry. .30 caliber rounds tear into their ranks, but the stubborn enemy continues to press, and more infantry continues to pour into the opening.

The support machinegun team on Captain Coffee Warlord’s left flank does not meet with similar success, unfortunately. Heavily suppressed by mortar fire, they are closed on and destroyed by Japanese infantry. Lieutenant Breeze’s 1st Platoon is unable to help, as they themselves are busy with a frontal attack by the Japanese. The squad to their far left, under Sergeant Killingsworth, takes casualties and is forced back.

Japanese infantry slip through the small gap created between zones 1 and 2, and assault Sergeant Reeves’ Stuart tank, from Lieutenant sterlingice’s3rd Platoon. Fortunately for our armored boys, the attack fails.

Zone 3
The stubborn Japanese continue to poor into the clearing, and are cut down by machinegun and rifle fire from Lieutenant Qwikshot’s platoon as quickly as they can enter. The northern edge of the clearing is littered with the bodies of the enemy.

Light contact is also encountered on the both ends of zone three as well, but Lieutenant tucker342’s 1st Platoon and Lieutenant Katon’s 3rd Platoon give a good accounting of themselves, holding the Japanese at bay without losses.

Zone 4
The respite earned by A Company is a brief one, but is just enough time for Captain ardent enthusiast’s command platoon to withdraw deeper into the treeline. And none too soon! Mortar fire rains down on the area just vacated by the Captain. Good call, ardent!

After trying their luck up the middle, the Japanese now seem intent on pressing the ends, as infantry move up on the western edge of rice paddy and the eastern edge of the graveyard. Lieutenant Marino’s 3rd Platoon and Lieutenant samifan24’s 1st Platoon stop them cold, though, and now appear to have them pinned in place.


Zone 1
We’ve got Japanese trying to pierce the area between Lieutenant The Afoci’s 1st Platoon and Lieutenant Blade’s 2nd Platoon. Lieutenant bertogarce’s 1st Armored is dispersed between these two platoons, and Lieutenant Jennings’ 3rd Platoon is between and behind the two, fortunately positioned to stop just such a thrust.

Zone 2
Lieutenant Breeze’s 1st Platoon has trouble on its left side, and is still being pressed from the center. Lieutenant sterlingice’s 3rd Armored is in the area, but this sort of close-range fighting is hazardous for the armor, as witnessed by Sergeant Reeves.

Lieutenant Aesyrqwe’s 2nd Platoon and Lieutenant Superman=#54’s 2nd Armored, on your right side, have yet to make contact with the enemy, and the center is pretty well busy mowing down infantry that keep trying to come up “The Corridor.” Lieutenant JeffNights’ 3rd Platoon is to the rear in the center, being held in reserve.

Zone 3
This is the most stable of the zones right now, and Captain Blade6119’s Company is fairing well. No casualties have been reported yet.

Zone 4
The Japanese are trying to move up the sides, rather than the middle, but have been stopped cold wherever they’ve gone. Aside from Captain ardent enthusiast’s voluntary withdrawal, no ground has been given.

Infantry Captains
Bear in mind that you each have a 60mm mortar team at your disposal, as well as a pair of 81mm mortars to the rear. We also have two dozen small-caliber howitzers available for area bombardment.

Armor Captains
Close-range fighting in these heavily wooded areas can be quite hazardous to armor. Just ask Sergeant Reeves. Keep this in mind.

Let’s have your orders, officers.

Semper Fi!
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Last edited by DataKing : 03-03-2003 at 04:25 PM.
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