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Old 12-09-2004, 10:45 AM   #14
Raven Hawk
College Starter
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Thunderdome
Just a quick update on the wealthy purchaser of the lovely item:


Hollywood, FL -- December 9, 2004
Casino Gets Addicted to eBay, Gambles on Ghost, the online casino that recently bought the immensely popular "Virgin Mary Grilled Cheese Sandwich," has just bought another unusual item on eBay: a "haunted" walking cane. The company purchased the item for $65,000.

The seller claims that the ghost of her dead father manifests the cane and has scared her five-year-old son repeatedly. The seller's father died recently after battling lung cancer for over a year. He died peacefully in his sleep, but the child claims to have been visited repeatedly by his apparition. In life, the deceased used the walking cane to tap the child when he was misbehaving.

"This is a fascinating situation, as the seller honestly believes in the supernatural nature of this item," said Richard Rowe, CEO of "We felt that this would be an incredible opportunity to show the world the cane and let people decide for themselves. We also hope the seller's family can now finally be at peace and we wish them all the best." made headlines just last week when they purchased the Virgin Mary Grilled Cheese Sandwich from Florida's Diana Duyser. The ten-year-old sandwich bears the image of a woman's face that the seller claimed was the image of the Blessed Virgin. The casino is currently taking the sandwich on tour across the southern U.S. to Las Vegas. has become familiar with online auctions, having recently purchased several items and using them to generate over $300,000 for various charities including raising awareness for Multiple Sclerosis, The American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund, Noah's Wish, and the Shoot for a Cure foundation for spinal cord research.
Owner of The Shreveport Pride in The CFL
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