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Old 12-07-2004, 12:58 AM   #5
Raven Hawk
College Starter
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Thunderdome
Now a little about this game. This is a simple little game that I've come up with that might be fun. The general rules are as follows:

1. Sign up as many times as you'd like. Only catch is that you can only have one character at a time.

2. This is a simple game based off of probability. Different things affect the probabilities, like weapon specialties, armor, technique training and defending.

3. The goal is to win your freedom. To win your freedom, you need to win 10 matches. Once you win your freedom, you can open your own stable. I haven't decided how I'm going to do that yet, but we'll find out if anybody ever gets there.

4. You can make your own challenges to other slaves, but they will be approved by your slave masters. If you don't make any challenges, your slave master will do that for you. You can only challenge somebody from a different stable. You can only have one challenge outstanding at a time.

5. I will try to run Thunderdome on a regular basis. Currently, I'm looking at Tuesday and Thursday around noon central time. I may not get to all challenges, but I'll keep the order posted in this thread so you know approximately when your match is coming up.

6. In the game, the challenger will always be considered the person with the worse record. If records are even, the person who submitted the challenge will be the challenger.

7. All slaves start out at rank 1. Each victory that they attain, they will gain another rank. Slaves may be sold between owners. The value for which they are sold depends on their rank. (This will become more important if you win your freedom and open your own stable, in which case, you may want to buy or sell fighters).

8. Each fighter will win prestige points based on each fight. You win 1 prestige point for each rank that you defeat. An owner may decline a challenge, but will lose prestige points equal to the number of ranks the challenger is below them. Example: John (Rank 3) challenges Fred (Rank 5). Fred doesn't like his chances against John, so he declines the challenge. In so doing, he loses 2 (5-3) prestige points. No prestige points are lost in declining a challenge from a higher ranked opponent. Declining a challenge of an equal ranked opponent carries a 2 prestige point penalty as crowds feel that it would be a fair fight. If you do not have any prestige points, you cannot decline the challenge and your House will accept the challenge for you. All fighters start out with 0 prestige points. Prestige points also determine how much of a "Freedom Bonus" you will receive if you win your freedom. The more prestige you have, the more money you will receive to start your own stable. Therefore a slave who wins 10 matches against rank 1 opponents, without declining any other challenges would have just enough $ to buy a 1 rank 1 fighter to start their stable. If you have less than 10 prestige points, you may need to start gambling some of your winnings, or fight "out of house" for money to purchase more fighters.

9. Players will no longer get to select their stables when they enter. Instead, they join the 'slave pool'. Every Friday an auction will be held and slaves will be purchased at that point by the houses that have enough money to buy them. Players can state a preference to their stable. However, that preference may not always be met depending on which houses have the money. After a slave is purchased by a house on Friday, they will be able to challenge a slave from another house for the following week's matches.
I hope that everybody enjoys!

10. Each season will be 10 (5 weeks real time) weeks long, followed by an offseason where you will get to train. I haven't fully decided on how the training will work yet, but suffice to say, you can't train unless you've fought at some point during the season. Obviously if you're still alive, it means you've won at least one fight and you will get to train. You're training will not be limited to you're houses' specialty for this period. Current areas of training will include Strength (More Damage), Speed (Harder to Get Hit), Weapons (More effective at hitting, defending and hurting with said weapon), and Styles (Specialize and become more effective with a particular fighting style). I'm toying with a couple more ideas, but this is it for now.
Owner of The Shreveport Pride in The CFL

Last edited by Raven Hawk : 12-09-2004 at 08:28 PM.
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