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Old 03-01-2003, 11:37 AM   #18
FOFC Survivor
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Wentzville, MO
Originally posted by DataKing
Mission Briefing

Zone Four

Assigned to Infantry Company A (CO: Captain ardent enthusiast)

Zone Four is at the far eastern edge of our combat zone, and is about 750 meters wide. It is easily the most defensible of the four combat zones, because the tree line ends abruptly at the edge of an old graveyard and a rice paddy right next door. Both of these areas can provide some nice killing ground if utilized properly. Despite this, there is the distinct possibility of the Japanese making a heavy push in this area.

Semper Fi!

LT Samifan, LT DMBrown, LT Marino, LT O'Hern, LT Silva. We have orders to delay the enemy. We'll show the enemy what Alpha Company is made up of. We will take our positions and we will dominate our enemy. They will run in fear and tell their countrymen of the day they met us.

I have been ordered to deploy your troops across Zone 4, along the eastern edge. This is prime killing ground, Marines, and we should be able to send many of the enemy to their makers.

LT O'Hern, I want you to place your Marines facing the rice paddy, under the cover of the tree line. Take whatever cover you can. Shoot whatever moves.

LT Samifan, take your Marines and post them around the tree line facing the paddy as well. Provide support for O'Hern and help keep the flack of his Marines.

From what I can tell of the terrain, that paddy is our flank. Do not allow us to be outflanked. Hold your position unless told otherwise.

LT DMBrown, LT Marino, I want both of you set at strategic positions facing the graveyard. Spread out to cover LT Samifan's position, but make sure that you're not too thin. With two platoons, I doubt this happens. Your Marines should be ready for a push here. I am sure you could imagine that they'll try to take cover behind some gravesites, so I'm going to have LT Silva and his Marines provide mortar support for the graveyard area.

As for my Marines, we'll be stationed somewhat in between the the paddy and the graveyard, ready to provide support.

Marines, I can't stress how much we need to hold here until we are ordered otherwise. Position your troops as you see fit within the areas of combat I have assigned to you. We can not allow the enemy to flank us. We are Marines. We will not allow the enemy to defeat us. We will defeat them. Do I make myself clear? Dismissed.
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