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Old 03-01-2003, 08:44 AM   #12
The boy who cried Trout
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: TX
Ok Broadsword, listen up.

I would like 1st Platoon to dig in with B Company. Try to get into a spot with as much visibility as possible, because your only advantage is to blast those creeps to smitherens before they reach you. Load up on machine gun ammo and AP rounds. I don't expect the enemy to have much in the way of armor support. That's not how they work. You are to consider yourself under Captain RainRaven's command. When he says "bug out", you bug. Get to the egress point and get the hell out. The only exception to this would be on direct orders from me.

Everyone else, we will support the Meat Grinder. I'll defer to Captain Coffee Wardad on how he thinks it would be best to deploy the tanks to support his infantry, but again, the more visibility, the better. HQ section will line up with everyone else. Be ready to move to a trouble spot at a moments notice. If the enemy hits us where we aren't expecting, then we might have to move out in a hurry. Before they get here, I want everyone clearing paths between the positions and marking them. Be sure you know your area of responsiblity, and have your firing lines marked out. The low visibility really puts us at a disadvantage. Support each other. Be ready to "scratch someone's back" if some Japanese get behind them. Above all, remember that we are here to slow them down, not make our last stand. When I give the signal, move out in an orderly but expeditious fashion.

If there aren't any questions, let's get going. Good luck to everyone, and stay safe.

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