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Old 03-01-2003, 02:19 AM   #5
Pro Rookie
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Chicago
Mission Briefing

Okay boys, here’s the situation.

As I’m sure you are aware, the Japanese started landing troops on the northern tip of this island, Luzon, yesterday. More of the bastards are setting foot on dry land every hour, and there’s precious little that the navy or the flyboys can do about it right now.

Those that landed yesterday are already moving inland. Fighting has been sporadic so far, but we need to give our comrades-in-arms some extra time to prepare defenses and the like. That’s where we come in.

We’ve been ordered to conduct a delaying action against the Japanese forward units. Our specific combat zone is an indistinguishable patch of jungle, three kilometers wide. I’m told that there’s precious little in the way of open or high ground out there, although we will have a couple of small hills at our backs. The vegetation is pretty thick, so visibility will be at a minimum.

To make matters even worse, we’ve got bad weather coming in. It’s supposed to start raining buckets here in a couple of hours, so you can expect what little visibility we were going to get to be even worse.

I’ve divided our combat line into four zones. Each of the infantry companies will be responsible for one of these zones, with the armored boys providing close fire support.

Zone One

Assigned to Infantry Company B (CO: Captain RainRaven)

Zone one is on the far west of our combat zone, and is an 800 meter wide patch of land that is flat as a washboard. It’s even more heavily wooded than the rest of the area, so visibility will be an extreme issue here. We don’t expect a lot of enemy activity in this area, but to leave it vacant would be to expose our left flank to the enemy.

Zone Two

Assigned to Infantry Company D (CO: Captain Coffee Warlord)

Zone two is in the west-central area of our combat zone, and while the trees are a little thinner than they are in zone one, it isn’t by much. This area is only 500 meters wide, but we expect to encounter significant enemy forces in this area, as there is a nice “corridor” of open space between the trees that runs through this entire area. Certain members of The Meat Grinder seem like they need more excitement in their lives, so it is D Company’s responsibility to occupy this zone.

Zone Three

Assigned to Infantry Company C (CO: Captain Blade6119)

The trees open up in spots in zone three, which is in the east-central area of our assigned combat zone. There is a little bit of high ground to be taken advantage of, and some small clearings which can provide nice killing ground. This area is big though, at nearly a kilometer wide (900 meters to be exact). We don’t expect a major thrust by the Japanese here, but have to guard against one. A penetration here could spell disaster for Zone Two to the west or Zone Four to the east.

Zone Four

Assigned to Infantry Company A (CO: Captain ardent enthusiast)

Zone Four is at the far eastern edge of our combat zone, and is about 750 meters wide. It is easily the most defensible of the four combat zones, because the tree line ends abruptly at the edge of an old graveyard and a rice paddy right next door. Both of these areas can provide some nice killing ground if utilized properly. Despite this, there is the distinct possibility of the Japanese making a heavy push in this area.

Armored Companies

Given the lousy visibility we’re likely to face, and the lack of open ground, I’d like to see the armor act as close support for the infantry. Captain sachmo71, I’d like The Broadswords to support The Meat Grinder, as well as Infantry B on our left flank. WSUCougar, use Fire and Ice to support Infantry C and Infantry A on the right side. I leave the rest up to you on how best to accomplish this.

Support Units

Each infantry company has control over one of the 81mm mortar platoons, but I maintain the ability to override this if one company is under particularly heavy attack.

We have a pair of light infantry platoons watching our back-side, but I would rather not call them up to the front line unless absolutely necessary.

We have 10 light machinegun teams to provide additional fire support on the front line. We also have a pair of jeeps and a pair of ammunition trucks. I will handle these units.

24 75mm Howitzers are on call a couple of klicks behind us, but remember that these guns are anything but reliable. Radio communication isn’t that good in 1941, and these units could be called to provide fire support for another unit at any time. Don’t rely on them.

Company Commanders

Try to keep your orders to your platoon lieutenants as general as possible, and let them handle the specific deployment of their units. Company commanders have direct control over their “personal” units (3 tank command section for armor, command squads for infantry). Infantry captains also have direct control over their machinegun and mortar sections.


I would like to handle deployment and run the first couple of turns on Saturday evening, so try to give me your orders before then. And of course, let me know if you have any questions.

Remember folks, this is a “delay” mission, and not a “stop them dead in their tracks no matter what the cost” mission. We can give ground if need be, but we must do so slowly, and we must make the enemy pay for every yard they take with blood.

Semper Fi!
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Last edited by DataKing : 03-01-2003 at 02:21 AM.
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