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Old 02-28-2003, 06:16 PM   #21
H.S. Freshman Team
Join Date: Jan 2003
Originally posted by Kekkonen:

Kudos to Coach Blitz for his valiant effort. A 3-point win against a bottom-feeder should promise great things for next week's game against Purdue.

I still root for my personal fav CB Trevor McA... whatever. I can see the case for Mr. Briggs, though; he might be better suited for FB duty -- there are only two on the roster.

By the way Coach Blitz, be sure to get more RBs this year. I'd hate to see a walk-on in such an important position.

Um, a derogatory ND comment. Let's see.

Bob and Bill, two Notre Dame graduates were out hunting. They didn't know the area very well, so they agreed that if one of them got lost, they'd fire a shot in the air as a signal the other guy and then stay put until the other one arrives.

Soon enough, Bill got lost. "No problem", he thought, "We had a plan for this." Promptly, he fired a shot in the air just as they had agreed. An hour passes, but nothing happens. Another shot, another hour, nothing. He tries it one more time, but to no avail. Then panic starts setting in:

"Dammit. I hope Bob gets here before I run out of arrows."
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