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Old 02-28-2003, 05:59 PM   #1
H.S. Freshman Team
Join Date: Jan 2003
Cool Godzilla Blitz's "Poop on the Golden Helmets (Year 3)"

List of threads:

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4


Originally posted by Godzilla Blitz:

Late summer comes woofing round the corner; it is once again time for Notre Dame football! For you new readers out there, we are now in the third year of our sublime attempt to take the Notre Dame Fightin Irish to the pits of the football rankings. That’s right, despite the embarrassing results we have gotten the past two years, we are actually trying to lose football games and bring Notre Dame to #125 in the nation! Not #124, Not #123, but DFL dead last. To date...

Our journey has been a rough one. Our first year saw a star-laden team romp through a challenging schedule to finish at a robust 8-4 record. Last year, we started out with high hopes, but our tactics were shallow. We switched a talented DE to starting QB and brought in a run-and-shoot offense in an attempt to bring our offense to its knees. This backfired when our talented receiving corps wolfed down his lame duck passes. Four-hour practices aimed at wearing the squad out actually fostered a disciplined, crushing defense. The easy schedule, designed to bring us way down in the rankings, backfired when we won week after week in romp after romp. In short, it was a travesty. We ended the year perched at #2 in the nation, having run to an 11-1 season.

The risk in this dynasty is that the option to get fired is turned ON. We will need some delicate balancing of on-field losses and off-field successes in order to avoid getting fired for a bad season, especially after the success we enjoyed last season.

Where this journey ends no one knows, but welcome, fans, friends, and foes to year 3 in the Poop on the Golden Helmets adventure! Get some popcorn to eat, rotten tomatoes to throw, and a cold one to, well, you get the point. But do enjoy the show, and remember to yell loudly when we are on offense!

Previous years are here:

Poop On The Golden Helmets (Year 1)

Poop On The Golden Helmets (Year Two!)

Last edited by Co-D'ohs : 05-07-2015 at 09:44 AM.
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