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Old 11-17-2004, 10:59 AM   #39
Lethargic Hooligan
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: hello kitty found my wallet at a big tent revival and returned it with all the cash missing
I am fairly often at 6000 + per day for the allies, and I do keep a number of formations on rest.

That lightweight AUS Cav division did not start out quite so light. The Japanese sub that torped the transport happened to hit the one carrying most of their artillery. I probably ought to just break the unit up into brigades and use them to garrison places like Kendari. But, without heavy weapons the divison is small and easy to move. I suspect that many of the Japanese position on Borneo, Java, and Sumatra are lightly held, so this may be a solid formation for task at hand. The game failed to report that the CG and the brigade commanders were also lost on the transport that went down. When they arrived in Darwin a Lt Col was in charge.

I very much want to commit as little naval power as possible to the SW and focus on capturing Iwo Jima early. Iwo would give the US an airfield in nice range of Japan. The problem with Iwo is that it will draw a lot of attention from Japanese air and naval power. I will have to maintain very strong naval forces in the area, probably 3 Fleet Carriers TFs along with several BBs.

While I have troops set aside and training for the invasion of the Phillipines, I am not so sure it is worth it. It may be smart to grab part of the phillipines to keep the attention of the Japanese and to gobble up their supplies.

The allies are producing far more supplies than they consume at this point, so I am looking ways of using the supplies to help out in other areas. One thought it form a massive convoy of 50-100 transports then escort it, with several carriers and surface ships, south of Hong Kong to a port the Nationalist Chinese occupy. Probably will not do this though. The Chinese (and their AI masters) have been horrid. I am tempted to take control of the remaining theaters and consolodate forces for a month or two before launching a focused attack. The British/American/Chinese in Burma have been kicked around a lot as well.
donkey, donkey, walk a little faster
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