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Old 02-27-2003, 10:15 PM   #100
Pro Rookie
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Chicago
Week 11 Training Results

The good news just keeps pouring into Seamen-land, folks! Only one week after one of our starting wingbacks, Arlen Lucas, improves to excellent defense, the other one joins him! Take a gander at Tyler Willard:

Tyler Willard

19 years old, inadequate (5) form, healthy.

A sympathetic guy who is balanced and dishonest.
Has disastrous (1) experience and weak (4) leadership abilities.

Specialty: Unpredictable

Nationality: U.S.A.
Assessed Value: $107,000
Wage: $940/week

Stamina: Weak (4)
Playmaking: Wretched (2)
Winger: Passable (6)
Scoring: Wretched (2)
Goaltending: Disastrous (1)
Passing: Poor (3)
Defending: Excellent (8)
Set Pieces: Inadequate (5)

As you may recall, Tyler Willard came off of our youth squad about five weeks ago. At the time, he was valued at $84,000, and has improved by $23,000 since then. Our entire back line is now of ‘excellent’ skill level.

Just remember folks…defense is for wimps.

Form Changes

4 players improved in form by one level.
16 players saw their form remain the same.
2 players dropped one level in form.

In The Zone

Backup keeper Darryl Read remains the only SSFC player in excellent (8) form, and his assessed value of $227,000 remains unchanged from last week as well. Seven other Seamen are in solid (7) form:

Keeper #13 Cornelius “Corny” Jernigan (starter)
Defender #21 Zarpas Lerma
Wingback #5 Arlen Lucas (starter)
Winger #10 Olav Mauffret (starter)
Midfielder #19 Jerry Smith
Forward #15 Forrest “Gump” Tobias (starter)

Struggling forward Ruben Stewart actually dropped in form, and now holds the dubious title of “form dog” all by himself at poor (3) form. Despite yesterday’s two goal performance, it is obvious that Ruben is not happy being a Seaman. More on this later.


Average Player Value: $103,591 (-$318)
Total Player Value (22): $2,279,000 (-$7,000)

Despite four form increases and only two decreases, average player value dropped this week for the first time in a long time. Most of this was due to “Corny” Jernigan dropping $29,000 in value (yet his form remained the same).

Say goodbye to Ruben

I have been hoping for a while now that Ruben Stewart would get over losing his starting job to “Gump” Tobias, but apparently that is not going to happen. Only once in the last eleven weeks has Ruben’s form been above weak (4), and he has been making overtures about wanting to be sold for a while now. If he can’t start for us, I guess he figures he can start somewhere else.

The problem is something I have been turning a blind eye to for some time now, but I can no longer ignore it. Because we play a 5-4-1 formation in friendly matches, that means we only have one real backup for both Johannes Henriksson and “Gump” Tobias. We’ve been blessed with very few injuries thus far this season, but we’re in the midst of a heated series title race, and I simply cannot take the risk any longer.

I didn’t want to have to do this, but have been left with little choice. I have begun scouring the transfer market for a backup striker. I’m not looking for anything exceptional (passable scoring or so), and I am actually purposely looking at older players. I want someone with experience to step in for Johannes or Forrest should anything happen to either one of them. Let’s just hope I am being overly-cautious, and they both stay healthy.

I have made it clear to Ruben that he will not be placed on the transfer wire until we have secured his replacement.

Up Next: Weekly financial updates and the state of the club. After that, we travel to the Big Apple to face Gazzaly FC. Stay tuned!
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