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Old 02-27-2003, 07:16 PM   #86
H.S. Freshman Team
Join Date: Jan 2003
Originally posted by Godzilla Blitz:

RB Wolfe finished 8th in the Heisman voting! Yikes! But let’s get on to the important awards…

2002 Darkside Award
Given to the player who least helps our cause of achieving the coveted #125.
This year’s contest was basically between two players: QB Goodwin (2900 yards, 30 TD’s) and RB Wolfe (1363 yards rushing, 15 TD’s on the ground, 52 catches, 5 TD’s through the air). Although Goodwin was a huge disappointment at QB, I have realized that it was mainly the strength of the receiving corps and the offensive force that was known as the Wolfe that made Goodwin so effective. Game after game, Wolfe churned out first down after first down. If someone stopped him on the ground, Wolfe did it with a pass. He was the main force behind so many of our ugly wins, and if we get fired for a bad year, it would not be an exaggeration to say that Wolfe single-handedly brought down our aspirations. It is therefore to my great displeasure that I award RB Lonnie Wolfe with the 2002 Darkside Award. Now get the hell out of Notre Dame, Lonnie. You’ve done enough damage to our program.

2002 Most Valuable Loser Award
Given to the starter that most helps us lose games
How to assign an award in this category when we only lost 1 game all year? Still, one man stands out as a hero, albeit an unsung one. Sophomore DT Mickey Unger started all 12 games at DT and managed a grand total of 4 tackles. He did pressure the QB a bit, but otherwise Mickey was able to allow most everyone that came his way to proceed into the backfield. For this remarkable effort on defense, we present Mick with the 2002 MVL Award. Congrats, Mickey! We need a lot more like you. Don’t forget to pick up your free fries at the local McDonalds.
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