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Old 11-07-2004, 07:49 AM   #32
Lethargic Hooligan
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: hello kitty found my wallet at a big tent revival and returned it with all the cash missing
Originally Posted by sachmo71
So air units take losses if they aren't trained in carrier ops, or did you add that for flavor?

Nope, that is part of the game. Planes are either land based, carrier capable, or carrier trained.

most (all?) planes can be put on a carrier at port, which was fairly routine at different times. For instance, the USS Ranger operated in the Atlantic as an oversized ferry from a good part of the war. Sending them on a mission from the carrier should result in 100% loss unless they are at least capable, which means the aircraft are built for carrier ops (tail hooks & such). The reason you might use a carrier for a ferry as opposed to using a transport is that the planes arrived assembled from a carrier. Planes transported by cargo ship arrive in parts and have to be assmbled. This takes time and additional supplies.

Carrier capable planes are those aircraft built for carrier ops, but not flown by squadrons with piltos that are trained for it. They can operate from a carrier, but with increased operational losses, and do not operate nearly as well. Lets say a VMF unit (Marine fighters) with 24 planes operates off a carrier on a ground strike mission. 12 aircraft may fly (instead of the full compliment) and 3 may be operational losses. IMHO the penalty for op loss is not high enough.

Carrier trained units are what they say.

I am not sure if you can train up the above VMF. I added that for flavor. If you can, it will be via carrier ops.

If I wanted to over size the carrier caompliment with an additional squadron, I would pull a small one off a CVE and use the CVE as a plane ferry.
donkey, donkey, walk a little faster
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