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Old 02-27-2003, 06:58 PM   #58
H.S. Freshman Team
Join Date: Jan 2003
Originally posted by Godzilla Blitz:

Kekkonen: Yeah, the receivers have definitely got to be one of the keys to our miserable loss total this year. But still how could anyone have known that the man mountain called Goodwin would get the ball to them like he has this year? The stats will be amazing at year-end for him. I wonder if either he or Wolfe will get into the Heisman voting. How embarassing!

I think you are right; taking a bit more time to consider offensive formations next year would most likely be a good thing. I am hopeful that our slew of horrible grades can help thin the sophomore and junior class talent pool a bit. There are some studs in there. Seems like they had a godly RB in each class when I started the game.

Thanks for the input, and glad you are enjoying the report. Feel free to comment more when we see the rosters at the beginning of next year, and let me know if you think of anything else. Besides formation, I want to look rethink the time management end of things too. Maybe reduced practice time would help accelerate the decline too.

Now if i can just get work stuff in from everyone else so I can finish up my end and get back to this more important task. I'm really curious to see what happens in the last two games! Wednesday is still looking good.
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