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Old 02-27-2003, 06:44 PM   #39
H.S. Freshman Team
Join Date: Jan 2003
Originally posted by Godzilla Blitz:

Dear Kodos,

Thank you for your kind concern!

Deep down inside, I just can't see me getting fired, that is, if there really are Gods and Santa in the world. It's just too inconceivable that a benevolent force would allow this quest to fail.

Nevertheless, I think the question may need to be addressed, although I shiver, head spin, and power vomit at the thought of getting fired.

What to do? Defeat would be a crushing blow, and I would need a bit of time and a lot of drugs to overcome the pain. I think any real answer could only come after that. But I tell you, I would at least continue the noble fight. Rumor has is that there is an electronic opening on the Boston Red Sox on my disk of Baseball Mogul 2002, so maybe an opportunity would pan out to take on the Yankees of New York (sorry Marmel). Also, Championship Manager has need of someone to run (down) Manchester United, I have heard, though I have no firm plan of action there yet. Or maybe there would indeed be a Notre Dame Challenge II, we could call it "Revenge of the Poop", but perhaps it could take a different form. Maybe a village challenge or something? Wouldn't that be a gas! Or maybe someone else would like to carry the torch for a while? So, to make a long paragraph longer in hopes or reaching a point, I just don't know, but I will never, no never, give up the grander struggle.

I will say though, that the risk of getting fired adds a huge element of excitement to the quest. It is not just a matter of when, but more a matter of if. And knowing that you could be gone at any second reminds me of the Mekong Delta back in '68, but that's another story better told in a thread of its own.

I think though, that if I did an indirect attempt at bringing destruction to an organization, such as you are doing through Gatesville to Dallas, I would indeed have selected the "no firings" option. Your task is so much harder than mine; with indirect control over an organization's demise, the "if" element of the quest is already there.

Godzilla Blitz
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