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Old 11-03-2004, 10:07 PM   #26
Gary Gorski
Wolverine Studios
Join Date: Oct 2003
I didn't suggest all NBA players are thugs - I said thats a common view of people who dislike the NBA.

"most people who hate the NBA hate it for the reason of they think the players are a bunch of greedy thugs or whining brats"

I actually think the NBA doesn't have any more problems than any other sports league with their athletes and personally, I like the NBA. I think it has great diversity in the league as now you've got players from not only all of America but also from every other continent and I'm very pleased my Pistons won the championship last season - it was great to see team basketball mean something once again.

Anyhow, you can either start the season on day 1 with the first game of the season or you can start with a fantasy draft and then the season. Either way in the demo you do not get to experience the offseason although chances are if you like what you see in the 1st 100 days you're going to be pleased with everything else. So far I have heard nothing but good things about the demo and haven't heard anyone complain that the demo was cool but then the offseason part wasn't so hot.
Wolverine Studios
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