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Old 11-03-2004, 07:17 PM   #16
Gary Gorski
Wolverine Studios
Join Date: Oct 2003
If you didnt reboot your computer that might explain things being hard to read or buttons that have no text on them and the like.

Yes, you get scouting reports on the guys prior to the draft and you can invite up to 15 at that time for an individual workout where you get even more information about the player prior to the draft.

Yes, there is big risk/reward with high school players and very young Int'l players. Most of them you will draft as projects and hope for the best while occassionally there will be the young'un that's ready to go right away (like LeBron, Carmello, Amare...) And yes, the kids who come out of college generally are more ready to contribute earlier than the high school kids although their potential is rarely anything close to that of the high school kids.

Whether players reach their potential is a totally different story. Players are not guaranteed to hit their potential, they do not develop at a linear rate and they develop during the season as well as in the offseason so there is absoultely no way to predict how far a player will develop (or even if he wont be a total bust) or how fast he will develop. You just have to wait and see just like in real life

Thanks for trying the demo BTW
Wolverine Studios
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