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Old 11-03-2004, 12:39 PM   #29
Lethargic Hooligan
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: hello kitty found my wallet at a big tent revival and returned it with all the cash missing
Through Late April


The 111th RCT, supported by massive ship bombardments captured the Marcus islands. When air crews and field maintenance teams arrive, this location may be used for some strikes on the Japanese home island.

A massive naval force controlled by the 3rd Fleet is at sea and headed for Guam.

Yorktown Task Force
Franklin Task Force
Bunker Hill Task Force
Essex Task Force
Hornet Task Force
Wasp Task Force
3 CVL Task Forces
10 CVEs and escorts

3 Battleship Bombardment Forces (4-6 BBs + cruisers each)

2 landing groups with about 100 transports each carrying the men of V corp (7th ID, 38th ID + support)

assorted mine laying, ASW, replenishment, and follow on force TFs

In the rear are ground forces ready to strike Tinian and Saipan

CV Enterprise, and CVL Princeton, along with some CVEs and the French Battleship Richelieu represents the remaining naval power at Pearl.


The South has become a secondary theater

Southwest (NG)

Australian forces have take over on New Britain, relieving the US 32nd Division.

Men of the 1st Cavalry Division have secured Aitape. One of the 1st Cav RCTs is preparing to land at Hollandia. The 1st Marine Parachute Battalion, jumping from a makeshift Catalina force, established blocking positions between the main Japanese force at Wewak and the cavalrymen at Aitape.

Forces in NG are supported by the Lexington TF and Intrepid TF

Southwest (DEI)

The 6th US Division is refitting in Darwin. The 24th US Division has completed retirement to Bulla. British naval forces operating out of Kendari have repeatedly struck at Menado and locations on Borneo. Kendari is also becoming a major airbase and hosts a B24 bomber group.

Forces in the DEI are supported by 2 CVL Task Forces.


Japanese naval losses have exceded 1000 ships in 10 months, though allied planned doubt they will reach their goal of 1200 ships sunk in 12 months.
donkey, donkey, walk a little faster
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