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Old 11-03-2004, 08:51 AM   #12
Gary Gorski
Wolverine Studios
Join Date: Oct 2003
Thanks for the nice response guys - I just want to echo a few sentiments here...

Whether you loved, hated or fell somewhere in between on TPB 2003 throw it out the window and try the demo. The game was completely rebuilt with a MUCH MUCH better GUI and alot of new features. The game really is night and day between 03.

Whether you love or hate the NBA give it a try - most people who hate the NBA hate it for the reason of they think the players are a bunch of greedy thugs or whining brats. The game doesn't give off that side of the NBA. There is an NBA roster pack made by a forum member if you want or you can play with the fictional players. Believe me, the fictional world is very detailed in this game because there were logos, banners, jerseys and home courts all designed specifically for each fictional team. There are many people already who have told me they are not NBA fans but love this game (Todd being one of those I believe)

The only thing I ask for anyone who isn't an NBA fan but is a fan of sports games is think about CM/FM. How many people can't stand soccer here but to them CM/FM is wildly addictive because its just a great game and whether you like soccer or not you can get into it? I think the same can be said for TPB 2005. Its not at the level CM/FM is yet - no way - CM/FM is the king of the text sports sims but I am seeing it have a similar affect on people who dislike the NBA.

The demo lets you play the first 100 days of a season and its free. IMO, the only harm in checking out the demo is that you run the risk of becoming very intrigued by it and may not be able to resist the urge to purchase it
Wolverine Studios
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