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Old 10-06-2004, 12:51 PM   #28
FOFC's Elected Representative
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: The stars at night; are big and bright
Who is Chance Mock?

If there is anything in this world we agree on IMTG, it is we both feel the coaching staff at UT is the culprit for all the problems.

I want to make a few things clear here, now that we summoned you. I don't wish death on any human that I can think of, and my comment about him being hit by a soccer moms minivan was a joke. I am sorry you didn't get that, but if we want to bash each other with quoting comments that are off color or ill timed, then I have about a thousand to use against you every time you write a post.

As you and I both attended UT, then we have more in common, we both want victory. I have watched in complete horror the losses to OU the past years. Every year walking from the parking lot in disgust. My personal opinion still remains. If Applewhite would have started one of those games he set on the sideline, we would have won. I just don't think Simms was ready when he took the QB job.

My anger at him is more about getting you and Huck fired up. (Very easy to do, like shooting fish in a barrel). But, I have seen nothing from him to think he is as great as everyone proclaims. And every year since he was a freshman, all I heard was how GREAT he was going to be. He was already proclaimed king before ever throwing a pass. Year after year goes by, and the frenzy to proclaim this guy something he was not never ceased. I actually feel very sorry for him, the expectations of Texas fans are brutal, it is not his fault he wasn't the next Elway.

But now I see the same thing happening again. He is going to be so great, the Simms era??? ERA??? I can see him at 38 years old, and someone on this board saying, "Yeah, but his QB rating climbed to a career best 72, he is really coming on strong, just wait till next year."
"i have seen chris simms play 4-5 times in the pros and he's very clearly got it. he won't make a pro bowl this year, but it'll come. if you don't like me saying that, so be it, but its true. we'll just have to wait until then" imettrentgreen

"looking at only ten games, and oddly using a median only, leaves me unmoved generally" - Quiksand
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