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Old 10-06-2004, 03:32 AM   #10
Pro Starter
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Phoenix, AZ
Brad isn't going to be with the team next season so it makes sense to try Simms at some point to see what he's made of and give him some experience.

I'm a fan of Brads and I'm hating that the time has come but it's time for him to step aside. It's not that the Bucs problems are his fault because they're not for the most part. The team is just old, injury prone and plain out suck right now. Brad hasn't been able to ignite them and that's never been his strong point as a QB in any case.

Simms has looked good in preseason and he did indeed light a fire under the team when he went in vs Seattle although he made some critical rookie mistakes which prevented the team from winning. I'm just glad that they are going with Simms instead of Griese because going with Griese looks like they are dumping on Brad but this way it looks like they are preparing their qb of the future and I feel that at this point he gives the team just as much a chance to win. I hope it works out that way.
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