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Old 09-30-2004, 11:05 AM   #19
Lethargic Hooligan
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: hello kitty found my wallet at a big tent revival and returned it with all the cash missing
End of Jan, Start of Feb 44

Central: Many of the ships involved in amphibious operations returned to Pearl and were given spot maintenance. Those that were not capable of returning to service were moved to repair berths, while the rest were moored.

Admiral Nimitz elected to proceed with a bold plan and launch invasions of both Wake and Kwajalin at the simultaneously.

Wake Invasion Force is made up of
2nd Marine Division
1 Marine Amphibious Armor Battalion
1 Field Artillery Battalion
2 SEABEES ENGR Battalions
2 Carrier TFs
1 Bombardment TF

Kwajalin Invasion Force is made up of
40th Infantry Division
1 Army Amphibious Armor Battalion
1 Field Artillery Battalion
2 SEABEES ENGR Battalions
2 Carrier TFs
1 Bombardment TF

A Second bombardment TF and Air Combat TF are moving up from SOUTH
A Third bombardment TF is moving up from south, and then will move on to Pearl Harbor or the US for repairs.

This strips south of most of its Naval combat power

A B24 Bomber Group (60 planes) supported by a P38 Escort group is moving to Eniwetok. The B24s have the range to strike Wake. A B25 Bomber Group (70 planes) is moving to Majuro to support the Kwajalin invasion.
These dual invasions tie up the majority of Naval Power in the Central. 2 CVs, a BB, and a CVL remain at Pearl undergoing dockside repairs and could be deployed if needed.
South: The 4th Marine Division captured Buka, which is now being prepped to serve as a base. The Marines are chasing the fleeing Japanese into the jungles of New Georgia, hoping to cut them off before they can join forces with troops at Torokina.
B24 and B25 squadrons along with escort squadrons moved to the expanding Airfields at Emirau. These 100 some odd planes will be able to strike the major base at Truk with ease. The loss of Truk as an effective base will open the door for the Allies to the Carolines and force the Japanese to support operations in New Guinea from further north.
Southwest (NG): Men of the 7th AUS Brigade have landed at Saidor and are securing the site in advance of engineers and other supporting forces. This new base will serve as a jumping off point for future operations along the north coast of New Guinea.
Southwest (DEI): Men of 6th AUS Division are landing at Maumere, where they will seize the existing Dutch/Japanese base (probably evacuated) and secure the island. This location is better suited for operations than some, and will give the Allies another base to contest the DEI. Base Force Troops and Construction engineers in Darwin have been alerted to expect a move.
The Darwin area is slowly building up men, material, aircraft, and shipping for a major thrust into the DEI. 8th Army HQ should be in Darwin and established by the middle of February. Recon and scout aircraft are beginning to gather intel for future operations..
The ship sunk total for Jan kept the avg per month over 100, with 800 ships being sent to the bottom since June 44. Japanese yards keep cranking out the transports it seems.
The Allies are regularly able to generate 6000 + sorties per day to the Japanese 2200.
donkey, donkey, walk a little faster
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