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Old 09-16-2004, 08:16 AM   #289
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Northern Suburbs of ATL
Originally Posted by JAG
"Paladin, what about a more subtle plan? We have numerous party members skilled at stealth and missle weapons. We can prepare an ambush of our own while waiting to ascertain the source of the sound's intentions. To that, I say we leave a couple of party members, such as myself and Soriun, in the camp as bait while the rest of you take up positions around the camp. If the source of the sound is hostile, we may be able to take them captive and question them as I can attempt to render them unconscious with my magic."

"We should be especially wary however. I would not expect a group of nomads in these badlands to wear armor or carry swords...unless they had won them from a previous adventuring group. I am highly curious as to what could be out there."

Benton looks to Baldar. "I had thought of that option, but was certainly not going to ask you or Sourin to pose as bait. However, if you willing to do it, I think we should combine the two plans? With Kevan and Puli already on the perimeter, I don't think we can hope to completely ambush anyone. I'm afraid we'll have to assume they will be ntercepted by the skills of our Monk and Ranger on the perimter, or the threat will see or hear them searching and realize we are aware of there presence. They won't however know how many of us there are."

Benton still looking to Baldar "Why don't you stay in camp, and prepare your spell."

Turning to the Dwarf, "Sourin and I will take up a location outside of camp and look to ambush any approachers."

Now looking at Mavirr, "With this new twist I think it would be wise if you search out the sound, but don't get to far from the campsite. I want you to be able to aid in the ambush. In fact, I'd like to see you circle in behind the intruders after our initial assult. I still would like you to attempt to find Kevan or Puli though, so you can update them on our actions, and try to combine forces. The warning blows on the recorder still hold."

Benton heads back to the location where he was sleeping to retrieve his crossbow. He also plans to grab his full quiver from the horse.

Last edited by Breeze : 09-16-2004 at 08:17 AM.
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