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Old 09-07-2004, 06:23 AM   #258
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Northern Suburbs of ATL
Benton walks to the back of the campsite by the rocky outcropping and looks around at the rest of the campsite, the party members still in the camp, and the surrounding landscape. Benton continued to examin the area looking for the most obvious location for an unwanted encounter.

Finally the Paladin decided the most likely place was along the path the party entered on. To start with the path they entered on was the easiest access to the location. In addition, while not a Ranger, Benton realized the party had undoubtedly trampelled grass, broken bushes and left general signs of their passing. Any intelligent being familiar with the area would undoubtedly be able to follow those signs right into camp and any preditor looking for a meal, would simply follow the odors that would linger.

Benton then quickly moved away from the center of the camp in an effort to set up his bedding before another member inadvertantly took what he felt was the most dangerous spot to sleep. He walked to the area where the trail entered the campsite, stopping just long enough at his horse to remove his shield, crossbow, a couple of bolts and a bed roll. Benton moved just a few feet to the left of the path and set up his bedding.

Before Benton layed down he removed his longsword from it's sheeth and layed it on the ground. The shield was placed face down on top of the sword, this way Benton could quicly slide his left arm, which though healed was still soar from the boars tusk, through the straps and have the right arm free to grab the sword beneth. The crossbow was laid on top of the shield, and a bolt was placed in the slot, but the weapon wasn't cocked. The Paladin hoped to be able to fire at least one bolt before going into mele combat. Benton then layed with his head toward the trail and on his right side. This put his back toward the fire and his eyes on the path, preventing the light from the fire from completely blinding him to the darkness. It also places his left arm up, which allows him to quickly grab his shield and/or aim his crossbow.

Benton slows his breathing and begins to concentrate on listening for unusual sounds, an act that will continue until Puli or Kevan takes the perimeter watch.


Benton uses his listening skill
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