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Old 09-01-2004, 07:03 AM   #241
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Northern Suburbs of ATL
Benton, listening to Puli, thought about the options for defending the encampment. He looked around at the other 5 travellers and realized their skills may work perfectly for this situation.

Benton answers Puli but also directs his comments to the group, "We need to have Kevan find the location for the encampment. After we get the location selected and the camp set up, we'll go with 4 resting and 2 on-guard through the night. The guards will be split into two groups, in camp guards and perimeter guards. Since Kevan, Mavirr, and you can move quitely, we'll let the 3 of you alternate as perimeter guards. Sourin, Baldar and I will take turns as in camp guards."

Benton completely trusted the Monk and Wemic working on the perimeter, but he wasn't so comfortable with the Bard. Having seen Mavirr in action, he appreciated his skill, grace and agility. Moving quitely probably wouldn't be a problem for Mavirr, but the thing that concerned the paladin was the possibilty Mavirr might do something boneheaded and put the entire group at risk. Until the bard proved reliable as a guard, Benton was going to take measures to insure the safety of the group. To minimize the risk, Benton decided to put the bard on the early watch. He figured the possibilty of attack would increase as the night grew longer. Plus by putting Mavirr on the first watch, Benton could pair him with Baldar, and simply pretend to sleep. By staying awake, he would provide an extra body for protection and a buffer in case Baldar needed additional time to cast a spell.

Benton says, "Mavirr, why don't you take the first perimeter watch. Simply move quitely around the campsite and look for potential dangers. If you notice any, return to the campsite and let the rest of us know. Don't try to be a hero and take care of the situation by yourself. You can't sing about your triumphs if your dead, and I can't carry a tune, so my singing about your deeds is out of the question."

"Baldar, you take the first in camp watch. I'll take the second in camp and Sourin you take the 3rd."

Benton then walks over to Puli and Kevan, he says "I honestly don't care how the two of you split up your watch. Puli you might want to go opposite me, so Kevan can rouse the 3rd shift sleepers and get the group back on the road in the morning, but if you prefer to go the other way, I don't have a problem with that."

Then moving even closer so he could converse with Kevan and Puli in a tone the others couldn't hear, Benton added, "I trust your skills and intelligence, and if the opportunity presents itself, feel free to gather additional information on our unwanted guest...(pause) or guests at this point. I'm not going to make this offer to Mavirr yet. Hopefully in the future I can. I believe he's quite skilled, but I'm not convenced he makes good decissions."
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