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Old 08-27-2004, 06:29 AM   #238
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: St. Paul, MN
When the bard mentioned 'thief', Baldar's eyes narrowed as he recalled another bard's theft of his greatest magical possession, a ring of ancient powers of which he could barely grasp at, passed down to him from his first teacher of magic many years ago. Old Rinehilter had seen the spark of greatness in Baldar and passed the ring on to him at the conclusions of his studies. The old man had done little research on the ring, knowing only with great study and experience in magic could its secrets be unlocked. But it was easy to sense the strong magic emanating from the ring and Baldar hungered to determine the extent of its abilities. He had barely begun the process, able to create a light from the ring at will with his command, when he met Renaldo the Fire Bard...

Baldar angrliy shook himself from his reverie and finished putting away his spellbook. After doing so, he opened his robe slightly and pulled out a small rope. Taking the tusks he acquired from Kevan, he tied them together with the rope and attached the other end to a loop in the robe. They felt a little cumbersome, but he felt better about having them close to his person than attached to his accursed animal. With his preparations complete, he moved to his horse, ready to depart with the rest of the party.
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