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Old 08-26-2004, 09:21 PM   #24
Draft Dodger
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Keene, NH
ok, I'll pretend I'm not posting this on the internet...

I have this blanket. it's pink (mostly) with also some purple in there. It's crocheted (I think that's the right term for it). It's about as old as I am - when I was very young, my grandmother came out to visit us and crocheted (maybe knitted is right?) two of them during her stay. One was brown, one was pink, and both were very much in the style of the mid-70's. But they became household staples - they were always draped over a couch or chair in my families living rooms.

The brown one fell apart years ago, but the pink one lives on. When I'm sitting on the couch, even on the hottest day of summer, I like to have a blanket on me. And this pink blanket was always the perfect size - went from my shoulders to my toes - and "thickness".

14 years ago, when I moved away from home (has it REALLY been that long), I took that blanket, and endured a great deal of ribbing from various roommates. One gave me a nice blanket as a Christmas gift one year, just to get the pink thing out of the living room. Didn't work. Actually, I think he tried that twice. When I met and married my wife, the blanket came too. She wasn't too fond of it either, but I wouldn't give it up.

Finally, for Christmas 2 years ago, she made me a new blanket. Very similar in size to the old one, except that the colors actually are tasteful (red, grey and black...they accidentally would turn out to match our family room perfectly). Even then, though, I was reluctant to give up the pink one; I'd alternate between the pink one and the red one, much to the chagrin of my wife.

The end of the road finally came for the pink blanket when it finally started to develop a couple of small holes - not bad for a 30+ year old blanket that probably got used every single day. I asked Christine how to repair it...her response "put it away somewhere so that it doesn't fall apart completely".

So, today, my pink blanket is no longer in commission. It's been safely stored above my sons bureau for several months now. Every once in a while, my eye gets drawn towards it, and I think about bringing it down just for "one last nap on the sofa"...but so far, I've been able to resist the temptation. The new red blanket is working out pretty well, and, well, it isn't PINK.

But, somehow, I don't think I've seen the last of my good buddy. Maybe, in 35 years, my son will be writing something similar about it...
Mile High Hockey
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