Thread: Who are you?
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Old 08-26-2004, 01:11 AM   #180
Greatly Missed. (7/11/84-06/12/05)
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Palo Alto, CA
1. What is your first name? Tyler
2. What does your online name mean? My friends know me as a quick witted smart ass who is incredibly sarcastic. One guy used to call me "Sharpieman."
3. What City do you live in? Palo Alto, CA
4. How old are you? 20
5. What team do you root for and why? Niners, Giants, Sharks, Earthquakes, Warriors. And Stanford. I was a fan ever since I could remember, I've also lived in the bay area ever since I was born.
6. What do you do for a living or are you in school? I go to a junior college right now but will be transfering to San Francisco State next fall, double majoring in Political Science and History.
7. How long have you been playing FOF? Since FOF2
8. How did you find out about this website? Just browsing around the web I found it.
9. Something interesting about you? I have had 8 open heart surgery's and a heart transplant. Today, I am perfectly healthy and able to whatever activity I choose.
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.
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