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Old 08-24-2004, 03:59 PM   #230
The boy who cried Trout
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: TX
The dwarf remained standing, arms folded. This was no way to run an operation, he thought!

After listening to the reception of his tirade by the group, he listened to what Pulti had to say. He had nothing against the Wemic personally, but he didn't believe leading by committee was an effective tactic.

"Well Pulti, I could care less if it were Kevan making the decisions or the bard. I want the discussions about every choice we make to end. I realize this is not a military formation," he said with a bit of a sneer, "but we will never get anywhere if we discuss every little thing!"

He clenched his fists, willing himself to calm. Humans were so infurating!

He took a deep breath, and then continued. "We need to recognize one person to make the final choice. Do we stop and camp, or do we continue to ride? However this leader decides to make the choice is not my concern. That he does make it is. I hope I've made myself clear, but if everyone starts wandering off doing their own thing, we will end up dead. And Clangadin is not ready for me yet."

With a smile, he turned back to the fire.

"Now, who was talking about ale?" he asked as he licked his lips.

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