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Old 08-24-2004, 08:25 AM   #225
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: St. Paul, MN
Leadership problems? I thought we were an autonomous collective...

Baldar thanked the Wemic and assured him he would confirm with the remainder of the party, though he could hardly see what use the monk or dwarf would have with the tusks. Certainly he would've expected them to have mentioned it already if they did...

He turned as he heard the dwarf address the group. While he admittedly felt a smug satisfaction that the group was coming around to his original suggestion that Benton lead, his main thoughts now were: what madness was this? Was the dwarf upset at not being included in the others' discussion? Apparently he'd had his fill of the ranger's leadership, which Baldar could certainly understand, but shaming the Wemic in front of the group? Was it a push to get another who groveled in front of a diety in charge of the mission? And then Benton essentially giving Kevan orders after he had been following him moments earlier? Baldar sensed this was the beginning of the end for this party, for without the Wemic, there would be no guide.

Despite that, no acidic words of his would help this situation. His support for the Wemic would accomplish little but put Baldar on bad footing with the Paladin...if the Wemic didn't take offense and just leave the group. "Why couldn't you fools have agreed to have Benton lead when "I" recommended it?" Baldar raged silently to himself. He remained silent and stayed slightly away from the group, watching with some apprehension. Still, he had come to have faith in Puli's words to bridge the gap in disputes and hoped he could work his own magic again in this situation.

(edited to make the pronouns more clear)

Last edited by JAG : 08-24-2004 at 01:56 PM.
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