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Old 08-23-2004, 09:21 PM   #224
Head Coach
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Hometown of Canada
Mavirr was slightly disappointed that his suggestion wasn't being considered, but that feeling left as quickly as the amount of time it took for him to think of the idea. He had heard everything that was said by Soriun and Benton in regards to the appointment of a new leader, and so spoke his thoughts:

"I for one do not care who leads us, as long as we get to our destination soon. Maybe they have some good ale we can use as celebration? I didn't want to say anything, but since the topic of ale has come up... I missed it while I ate the boar. Don't you all agree?" Mavirr quickly looked around at everyone and grinned at Soriun.

"I have travelled with a dwarf or two, and they have all expressed interest in ale. Maybe you have heard of one in particular?" Mavirr thinks hard for a second.

"I believe his name was Frederick Rowersarth." Mavirr turned towards Kevan.

"On the topic of leaders, I want to make myself clear that I don't think you're a bad leader. I'm just one for giving everyone a shot at fun activities." He smiled at the wemic and continued to talk.

"You know, I don't think there are many wemics-for-hire around Prytia. Is there a reason for this, Mr. Firestorm? Is it shunned in your group?" Mavirr waited for a couple of seconds before he turned his attention towards Puli.

"Oh wise man, you must tell me of some adventures you have come across in your far-off world. There certainly has to be something I can relay to other heroes that I will adventure with soon." He nodded at Puli and finished off his little speech.

"So, what's everyone's decision? I think Baldar might have the same feelings as myself, but I'm never sure about what that guy is thinking about."

Mavirr grinned at Baldar, and ran around the horses as he waited for the group to continue.
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