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Old 08-23-2004, 10:52 AM   #222
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Northern Suburbs of ATL
Benton stares at the Dwarf. Though he agreed with the Priest’s feelings that the group needed a single decision maker, Benton was surprised the topic was brought up again so quickly. Benton was not concerned with the burden of making decisions, just the willingness of others to follow them. He had already witnessed several clashes of egos, and he fully understood they would continue.

Benton looks to the other party members for there reactions to the Priests request.

Benton figured the Wizard felt himself superior to everyone (in the party of out) and that he should be the leader. Of course the Wizard was also smart enough to know if he were leader he might find an axe, arrow, sword of some other item stuck deep in his back before the night was up – or worse find himself deserted in the wilderness. Benton guessed he would get no support here, but neither would anyone else.

Mavirr showed solid fighting skills and a nimbleness against the boar, and his music seems to inspire everyone when he plays during battle. He would probably support the Paladin, but unfortunately, his support won’t carry much weight because of some inane statements he’s already made.

It was impossible to read Puli, but Benton felt that the Monk would be supportive of any appointed leader, and he hoped the logically, unemotional, and wise Monk would help defuse any potential problems that might occur should Benton step up and take the leadership role.

Undoubtedly the Wemic felt a bond with Puli, and maybe that would help Benton. If Puli was going to support whoever the leader was, hopefully, Kevan would follow his lead. Benton hoped Kevan would support him, because he would be leaning heavily on the Wemic for advice in the wilderness.

Sourin, was still standing directly in front of the Paladin, with his hand clinched in fists and resting on his hips. It had only taken a second to scan the group, but the dwarf’s eyes made it seem like it had taken hours. The Priest would be Benton’s biggest ally as leader – in fact, Sourin would probably follow Benton through the gates of the nine hells if the situation required it.

Hopefully, Sourin’s strong support, Puli’s logical arguments, and Mavirr’s whimsical support would be enough to keep Baldar from bickering too much and Kevan from feeling slighted at not leading.

Benton smiles at the Dwarf, “Good Sourin, I gladly except the mantle of leader, and I believe Kevan’s suggestions are well thought. We should set out as quickly as possible, but let us add some more wood to the fire. We aren’t close to any brush that could start a wildfire. We won’t stoke it, so sparks shouldn’t be a problem, but it will keep going long enough to provide a diversion. Let’s get to Wootmerry before we make camp for tonight.”

Benton stands and begins to load up his horse. As he moves he looks to Kevan, “Ranger, could you get us started on our journey?”

Last edited by Breeze : 08-23-2004 at 11:09 AM.
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