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Old 08-19-2004, 10:14 AM   #219
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Northern Suburbs of ATL
Benton scratches his head, as much to consider what Puli whispered to him as to try and figure out if Mavirr was serious. Benton decides to acknowledge the bard and by doing so hopefully, dismiss him from the conversation.

"Thank you Mavirr. Your observations are....(a pause) very observant. We will keep that in mind."

Then Benton looks at Puli and nods. He turns to Kevan and whispers so only Puli and Kevan can distinguish his words, "The fact our spy on the hill left leads me to believe, one of three things. One, he has grown board watching us and is looking for something more entertaining - maybe grass growing. Two, he figures we will be camping here for a while, giving him time to rest and eat, and still allowing him to follow us later. Three, he gone back to his village and is in the process of setting up an ambush. Kevan you interact with these people more than I do, but it seems to me the options I listed fit in with Human Nature. Because you are more familier with the terrain, natives and journey we will be taking, I'll follow your course of action, but we should consider a couple of things."

"If he is setting up an ambush, leaving immediately might allow us to pass the area he has chosen to attack, before he realizes we have left our encampment. If we take a path that would be out of the ordinary, we may avoid the location as well. If our spy has grown board, leaving early will only get us further on our journey, and the only problem would be the potential gripping of Sourin, Mavirr or Baldar. Since we are also basically racing against an unknown group, it might be in our best interest to head out and try to reach our destination first."

"As I said, these are my thoughts - you know better than I. What are your thoughts?" Benton says this looking at Kevan, but then he turns to Puli and says, "Your wisdom and experience should be considered as well, what thoughts have you?"

Last edited by Breeze : 08-19-2004 at 11:32 AM.
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